Simple is Beautiful!

how to create a new blog post

now you have a blog project created by mdblog, then you can use new subcommand to create a new bolg post.

new blog post

mdblog new another

mdblog will create a new post with path posts/, you can also add blog tags to the new post using the -t/--tag argument:

mdblog new another -t test

post title

mdblog use the post filename as the post title, so posts/ blog post's title is another.

two parts

every bolg post have two parts splitted by the first blank line:

the headers part uses yaml format, the body part uses markdown format.

the posts/ file content automatic created by mdblog:

created: 2018-04-23T10:01:09+08:00
tags: [test]

this is a new post!

the post headers part is:

created: 2018-04-23T10:01:09+08:00
tags: [test]

the post body part is:

this is a new post!

headers part

headers parts is the blog post metadata:

body part

the blog post content is converted by mdblog using body part, you can use any markdown grammar in the body part.

2018-04-23 09:48:50